Sins of a Solar Empire and Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor were both nominated for Best Strategy Game in the Best of 2008 Awards on X-Play, which can be seen on G4TV.

Sins of a Solar Empire won!



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on Dec 11, 2008

I cry foul - the video they used to show off Sins looks like it is using Entrenchment!!! There are Starbases in the shots!!!!

yep thats the perrrrrfect wasy to advertise and hook people on to this game, right Frasers.

on Dec 11, 2008

I guess this means they can't win any awards with Entrenchment in 2009 - since it has already been used for this years award

BTW - when in Entrenchment being released. I have access to Internet for about 13 more hours and then I won't have it until next year for my home PC....

(Moving tomorrow and it will take 2 and a bit weeks to get the ADSL2 setup at new house, and I go interstate for Xmas on 19th.... )

on Dec 11, 2008

Ouch that sucks.

Actually Entrenchment can still get awards in 2009 because the game of the yewar 2008 was called SoaSe not SoaSe: Entrenchment, they only put video from the unreleased exspansion and called SoaSE, so the general public does not now that.

on Dec 11, 2008


This is a victory for intelligent PC gaming with strategic depth as opposed to watered down, mindless "PC games" that are consolized console ports.  It's also a victory for DRM-free games.

on Dec 11, 2008

CONGRATULATIONS IRONCLAD!  And thank you for a wonderful game!


Now, get Entrenchment out in '09, wow them with that, and take it two years running!

on Dec 12, 2008

The new purple skybox is a dead give away

on Dec 12, 2008

Craig Fraser
The new purple skybox is a dead give away


And rightly so, at least - it looks awesome.

on Dec 15, 2008

Congratulations Ironclad.  You all really deserved this award. I'm happy for you all.   

on Dec 15, 2008

Can I have a space cookie?



on Dec 15, 2008

Yes you can!

I will give you 5 giant space cookies.....

....if you give me secret tactics on any clan or just great help on the game

on Dec 16, 2008

Anyone else notice the starbases in the footage used? Looks like someone grabbed Entrenchment footage

on Dec 16, 2008

....if you give me secret tactics on any clan or just great help on the game

Okay! I have developed a foolproof was to never lose. If you want to know this and other secrets i'm gonna need 2 space cookies up front.



on Dec 16, 2008

Anyone else notice the starbases in the footage used? Looks like someone grabbed Entrenchment footage

Why yes I did - hence why I posted it above

I cry foul - the video they used to show off Sins looks like it is using Entrenchment!!! There are Starbases in the shots!!!!

Which was replied to with are right Hack78 There is footage from our last visit.

on Dec 17, 2008


Quoting DarthCaedusMorgan,
reply 15
....if you give me secret tactics on any clan or just great help on the game

Okay! I have developed a foolproof was to never lose. If you want to know this and other secrets i'm gonna need 2 space cookies up front.



Got that.

*Gives Samurye 2 giant sspace cookies upfront.*

on Dec 17, 2008


Quoting Samurye,
reply 17

Quoting DarthCaedusMorgan,
reply 15
....if you give me secret tactics on any clan or just great help on the game

Okay! I have developed a foolproof was to never lose. If you want to know this and other secrets i'm gonna need 2 space cookies up front.



Got that.

*Gives Samurye 2 giant sspace cookies upfront.*

Actually that would be sssssssspppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccceeeeee cookies (of the vasari style).

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