Published on December 8, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

The time has come once again to promote one of our Journeyman skinners to the  exclusive rank of Master Skinner on  Today’s honor goes to non-other than another DesktopX pro….Vad_M!  Although Vad_M is highly known for his DesktopX abilities, he’s no stranger to other forms of skinning, as his gallery has everything from CursorFX themes to WindowBlinds skins.  I have most of his DX Widgets and the quality and detail of work are amazing, and that definitely goes for the coding as well.

Vad_M is also active in the overall community, has been a member of WC since 2004, and the WinCustomize staff gave a big thumbs up to his nomination and promotion.  The hard work has paid off, so congratulations Vad!  Head over to his personal site on WinCustomize to look at his info and his gallery of skins.  Can’t wait to see more!

Here are just a few of my favorite Vad_M skins.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 08, 2008

The TRUE DX God!

You are the best coder & skinner (cobo) I have ever seen, you make things i could never even figure out, and you do it with grace, and style.

You are MY inspiration, and i hope to one day be 1/10th as good as you!

WELL deserved, and WAY too dang long overdue!

You are the Best my friend!

on Dec 08, 2008
Congrats Vad!!!! Long   my friend!   
on Dec 09, 2008
The TRUE DX God!
I'm much embarrassed...

Just interesting what you will say when I'll finish my work on a full integration DX widgets/gadgets/themes with Window Blinds and Icon Packager? You install new WB skin and (or) new Icon Package and your DX theme automatically changes its style in a second like a Chameleon! Can you Imagine this?

Give me a few weeks and WC Community may be very surprised!
on Dec 09, 2008
It's about time. Congratulations Vad! You rock.  
on Dec 09, 2008

You install new WB skin and (or) new Icon Package and your DX theme automatically changes its style in a second like a Chameleon!


on Dec 09, 2008

Just interesting what you will say when I'll finish my work on a full integration DX widgets/gadgets/themes with Window Blinds and Icon Packager? You install new WB skin and (or) new Icon Package and your DX theme automatically changes its style in a second like a Chameleon! Can you Imagine this?

That would be very cool!

on Dec 09, 2008

Congrats, Vad!! Hope to see many more excellent works from you

You're definitely one of the best!


on Dec 09, 2008

The TRUE DX God!
I'm much embarrassed...

Just interesting what you will say when I'll finish my work on a full integration DX widgets/gadgets/themes with Window Blinds and Icon Packager? You install new WB skin and (or) new Icon Package and your DX theme automatically changes its style in a second like a Chameleon! Can you Imagine this?

Give me a few weeks and WC Community may be very surprised!

And THAT's why you're the master!  You totally earned that title, Vlad!  

on Dec 09, 2008

Just interesting what you will say when I'll finish my work on a full integration DX widgets/gadgets/themes with Window Blinds and Icon Packager? You install new WB skin and (or) new Icon Package and your DX theme automatically changes its style in a second like a Chameleon! Can you Imagine this?

Give me a few weeks and WC Community may be very surprised!


If this doesnt PROVE you are the DX GOD I dont know what does!

Awesome, this is something I have been pushing for for a LONG time, cant wait.

on Dec 09, 2008

 Congrats Vad, verry well deserved

on Dec 09, 2008

Nice man! Nice! Congrats man!!!!!

on Dec 10, 2008
If this doesnt PROVE
I can't understand what is this word means.  ( 

However may way is very easy and transparent! Each of WB skins has its own *.UIS file where contains information about skin parts. You only need to write a simple function that will read this data (through FSO). Then just apply the necessary images by object.picture and object.setmargins to the parts of your DX theme or widget/gadget. As well as a fonts by object.setfont. That's all!

Voila! After this any of your DX creations will looks in a style of your current installed WB Skin!

As you see DesktopX gives us unlimited opportunities to realise any of our desires. The only two things that we need - spend more time for its studing and a bit fantasy!   
on Dec 10, 2008

Prove:  to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of

It Shows the truth that you ARE the genuine God of DX!

on Dec 10, 2008

Yes. I understood... I don't want to be a "God" - this is too much for me!

However the test version already works with any skins except InnovaVista (at least I found only this one).

And now I must find answer for one little question. I must force myself to make free very complicated code on which I worked more 1 month   Or I may upload a demo project as a standalone gadget.   

 Looks like "To be or not to be..." Really hard decision for me...    



on Dec 10, 2008

Or I may upload a demo project as a standalone gadget.
If you can upload a demo and then sell teh full gadget, I would.  Hard work should have a reward.

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