Published on November 7, 2008 By Island Dog In WinCustomize News

It’s been a while, but I’m glad to announce the next skinners which have been promoted to the rank of Master here on WinCustomize.  Congrats goes to ChaNinja and APB.  Over the past couple of months, we have had a lot of discussions regarding WinCustomize Masters, and we have a nice list compiled and after hours of voting and discussions these two were voted for as Masters.  Both are long time WC members and are very talented artists.   Please give them a big congratulations for their new ranks.

Promotions on WinCustomize might be unknown to some, but we have a system where members can achieve ranks from Apprentice all they way up Master.  Master skinners are entitled to sell their works on WinCustomize, and traditionally took a long time and work to achieve this rank.  Every month our team of moderators nominate users for promotion, and are discussed and voted on.  Members are picked on various aspects such as their skin submissions, participation in the community, among other things.  But ultimately, what it comes down to, especially for Master skinners, is the graphic and skinning abilities. Talent is what will drive skinning to the next level, and that is what we take notice of above all else. 

We are looking for the next up and coming skinners and artists to rise the ranks of WinCustomize.  2009 is going to be a phenomenal year for skinning, and lets make it happen together!


Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 07, 2008
Congratulations to the both of you

When you have a very attractive woman making very attractive skins, you know things are right. In honor of this special day for APB, I'd like to take her to the Moon so we can watch the stars a little closer.
on Nov 07, 2008


Congrats to both ChaNinja and APB for a most deserving promotion to the rank and honor of Master Skinner!



on Nov 07, 2008
on Nov 07, 2008
Congrats to you both!
on Nov 07, 2008


on Nov 07, 2008

Congratulations APB and ChaNinja!  

on Nov 07, 2008
on Nov 07, 2008
VEry pleased for you both, couldn't have happened to two nicer people.. Well done !!! Now get to work
on Nov 07, 2008
Congrats to you both  
on Nov 07, 2008
Woohoo! To ChaNinja and APB Well deserved!
on Nov 07, 2008
Congrats to you both, very well deserved!!   
on Nov 07, 2008
Are these the only promotions this month? Just wondering....
on Nov 07, 2008
Congrats you 2!
on Nov 07, 2008

PDJ, no, the rest will be this weekend.

on Nov 07, 2008

A long time coming! Congrats and welcome to both of you.

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