Published on October 29, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

I have never seen so many people become unhinged because someone else points out the socialist and marxist roots of 0bama.  Obama admits he wants income redistribution, he admits it should be done either through the courts or legislature. 

Now I'm not saying every liberal is angry, but just take a look at a blog and tell me which side is more angry and absusive.  It's really hard to have a decent debate if you can't handle opposition.


Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 06, 2008

you are very scared of socialism

Not scared, averse to it.  Scared is used for many nuances, not all of them mean "shaking in your boots".

And the right prescription can save a life - or kill the person if they do not need it.  America - love it or hate it - is not Europe.  It was founded based upon a revolt of the European way 230 years ago.  If you apply the Europe "cure" to that which is alien to it, you may very well kill the patient.

And that is why I do not want SOcialism.  The reason America came from nowhere to pre-eminince in less than 200 years is not because they were copying Europe - but because they were creating a new model.  One that may be better than the old model or not.  But killing it you will never find out.

on Nov 06, 2008

And that is why I do not want SOcialism. The reason America came from nowhere to pre-eminince in less than 200 years is not because they were copying Europe - but because they were creating a new model. One that may be better than the old model or not. But killing it you will never find out.

Amen to that.  If people want to go to Socialism why don't they move?  It would be alot easier!

on Nov 06, 2008

You dont like it, dont read it.

See, I believe in something called "discussion."  This may be an unfamiliar concept to you, so I'll lay it out.  People talk to each other.  They don't always agree.  In fact, they shouldn't always agree.  When they don't agree, they say it.  I don't really care about PC-ness.  I do care about baseless or uninformed arguments.  You seem to feel perfectly fine about talking about the things other people say that you don't like, but magically when someone calls you out on something you respond with this.

The cheese tastes good, by the way.

on Nov 06, 2008

It's really hard to have a decent debate if you can't handle opposition.
I'm no loony lefty but I do take issue when dialogue is based on loony premises. Taxes--even Adam Smit admitted--is based on the ability to pay for general services and governance for all. 

on Nov 06, 2008

See, I believe in something called "discussion." This may be an unfamiliar concept to you, so I'll lay it out. People talk to each other. They don't always agree.

Discussions do not begin and end with lies.  A lie is a lie.  A discussion is a discussion.  I guess you are unfamiliar with the difference.  That is your problem.  You can post anything you want on these boards, but dont expect not to be called out on a lie when you do.  As I said, once that clown lied, the discussion is over.

I may not agree with you, but then I wont call you a liar until you are caught in one.  I did not go to the Bill Clinton school of semantics.

on Nov 06, 2008

but magically when someone calls you out on something you respond with this.

I will say you have poor reading skills as no one called me on anything when I called the poster a liar.  I called him on the fact that he was lying.  But I guess you are still struggling with "depends on what the meaning of is is".

on Nov 07, 2008

I will say you have poor reading skills as no one called me on anything when I called the poster a liar.

I called you out on it, by the way.  That's what, you know, my original post was.  It was less that you called someone out for lying and more that you sounded silly and a bit immature.

Your comments in general?  Perhaps the best evidence that the Right can be just as angry of a bunch.


on Nov 07, 2008

I called you out on it, by the way. That's what, you know, my original post was.

You called me out for calling the other poster a liar.  I told you I do not practice PC 101.  SO if you dont like the word, use your own.  But you are hardly being pure in this, just for some reason, trying to euphamize a liar.  So what would you call them?

Your comments in general? Perhaps the best evidence that the Right can be just as angry of a bunch.

PC 101 - calling a liar a liar is not being angry.  I can just imagine what your version of free speech is like "is is is".

You may have your way in the next 4 years as they outlaw any "hurtful" words.  He is not a murderer!  He just forgot the boundaries of decorum!

You would be funny - if you were not so scary with your PC practices.

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