Published on September 20, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Over the past month or so, I have asked people who have either been bashing McCain or praising Obama, to list some real accomplishments from Barack Obama.  So far…..nobody has responded.  It truly is scary to think that a man who is virtually unknown is running for President, and has a legion of followers who don’t anything about him. 

So here’s your chance democrats and liberals, please list some accomplishments from Obama.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 20, 2008

No one answered because it is either a stupid question or an inflammtory one.  If you don't know then go to wiki.

on Sep 20, 2008

No one answered because it is either a stupid question or an inflammtory one.

So the answer is--don't ask.

on Sep 20, 2008

No one answered because it is either a stupid question or an inflammtory one. If you don't know then go to wiki.

No, it's because they can't answer the question.

on Sep 20, 2008

Or, it just could be that they are nothing to write home about!

on Sep 20, 2008

list some real accomplishments from Barack Obama.

He secured the nomination from the Democratic Party to run as their candidate for President of the United States. Past that I can't think of any.

on Sep 20, 2008

Skimming over the other thread discussing, among other things, Obama's qualifications or lack thereof, I did notice that in fact someone did post a link to something that might have fallen under that category, but apparently did not.  Now while having given it a (very) cursory glance I can't say there's anything on there in particular that jumps out at me and I'd say "oh yes now this is why he should be president", it does beg the question, what exactly is an "accomplishment", in the political sense?

All in all, I think I prefer "Europa's" political setup...America bashing, getting offended, picking on France, THESE are the things we can agree on!

on Sep 20, 2008

No one answered because it is either a stupid question or an inflammtory one. If you don't know then go to wiki.

First off there is no such thing as a stupid question when wanting to learn about a person who we are to chose as the next leader of this country. Second if it is inflamatory, which I can't see how it is (it's a legit question after all), it's a simple matter of posting the information with a link or a link by it self to shut up those who question the almighty Obama. But of course, how can we expect those who defend Obama to actually take the time to post any relevent information (or put a link up with it) when they are too lazy to research Obama for themselves? Lazy being the key work of that last line there which are part of the people Obama is the champion of.

on Sep 20, 2008

Personally, I think all of the above have pretty well answered this question. In case you missed it, I will repeat it for you "                        ". Now I for one have taken my fair share of chances ... but I am not willing to bet the whole enchilada on a man whose most strident adherents cannot answer this one simple question. Faith is all well and good, but "blind faith" is nothing more than telling your masters to do with you, as THEY will. In an age of insanity ... why not ... Pick your own poison, just remember that not all poisons are fatal.

on Sep 20, 2008

Even his own hacks can't name anything.  It's truly amazing. Then they have the nerve to attack Palin who can list accomplishments. After the debates, people will see through it. It will also come down to a question of trust and character. Who do I trust more, a Naval Officer, or a lawyer?   

on Sep 21, 2008

What's pathetic is his American counterparts, who plan to cast votes for this Obamination based on the exact same ignorance.


That's what will be written about democracy when it finally gets replaced with whatever's next (Y'all do read history, dontcha?  Something WILL replace it...try playing Sid Meiers Civilization to get the feel for what I mean.)  "It was a good idea except that idiots got to vote, too."


Oooh...I just thought of another government improvement.  A ballot that as a blank vote counts as one vote, but once you fill it in, it's tempered by your IQ.  If you're a moron, your vote becomes less valuable.  That might help the education problem too!  People would get motivated to have their vote be worth more than the other guy's, so they'd educate themselves.



on Sep 21, 2008

Well, in fairness, all sheeple can say is "Baaaah."

on Sep 21, 2008

He studied at Harvard, which suggests he was highly accomplished at school. Then Wikipedia reveals he was elected to his seat in the Senate with 70% of the vote, which is surprisingly high (although admittedly American political parties try not to compete with each other, so maybe not that surprising). He was a teacher (a much maligned accomplishment in this day and age) and a lawyer, which suggests he's accomplished at the manipulation of the law. He was also a streetwalker for the democrats, which suggests he has the persistance of a Mormon.

He came from behind to beat Hillary Clinton, perhaps the greatest political brawler of the past decade. He's also written a book, which suggests he's accomplished at writing (implied by his editorial position at the Harvard Law Review, but everyone knows uni literati rarely actually sit down and actually write anything rather than talk about it).

Proof he's qualified for president? Very little. Only those who've been president have any notion of that, and I'm not sure they're unbiased judges. Most of the living ones are family members of political opponents after all, except for Carter, and he's a bit of a beatnik. At least he's young enough that he should be able to bend with the pressure. Crazy old McCain will probably just let the mind go a little, which is exciting if that's what you're after I suppose.

Keep in mind though folks that the primary duties of a President are to give good speeches, talk to foreigners, travel widely, sign laws and occasionally take a strong stance on something mildly controversial. These are all things Obama is just as likely to be good at as McCain will be. Possibly better if the 'tallking to foreigners' or speech-giving components happen to become more important.

on Sep 21, 2008

He helped pass Ethics reform w/ Feingold, healthcare coverage for over 70,000 children in Illinois, and that's all I know on the top of my head.  This is just what I've heard from liberals on Fox News, so they probably were lying or atleast exaggerating. 

I dont know.  I guess mostly his supporters think he has a better plan for the job and better direction to take the country, which i actually think is valid.  Neither of them can understand what its like to be president until they have actually been one; nothing else is really comparable.  I personally think McCain is better, but not because of his experience, but because he has more sensical policies. 

on Sep 21, 2008

He admonished me not to vote for 'that woman' and when I asked why not, his only response was 'she's evil.'
I always love this.  Noone can name one "evil" thing she's said or done. 

I don't know about good accomplishments but I do know Obama managed to deal with a lot of people who were slum lords, communists, racists and down right haters of America and have seemingly convinced a lot of people that he hasn't had anything to do with them in a long time therefore is nothing like these people.  He's accomplished at charming people out of their money.  He's accomplished at convincing people that he is running against Bush to dectract from the fact that McCain is a much more respectable, sacrificing person who wants to serve our country rather than use the office to promote himself to rock star status.

on Sep 21, 2008

Thank you for this opportunity to present Sen. Obama's credentilals:

"Obama has sponsored 136 bills since Jan 4, 2005, 2 have become law.This figure does not include bills to which Obama contributed very substantially as cosponsor, such as the Coburn-Obama Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or the Lugar-Nunn Cooperative Proliferation Detection, Interdiction Assistance, and Conventional Threat Reduction Act of 2006. They also exclude amendments to other bills, although these in the Senate are not required to be germane to the parent bill and can therefore effectively be bills in their own right.Obama has co-sponsored 619 bills during the same time period."


I don't think that using the term "prolific" would be out of order. But lets list some highlights:

- Obama passed legislation with Republican Senator Jim Talent to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85 ethanol refueling pumps. The tax credit covers 30 percent of the costs of switching one or more traditional petroleum pumps to E85, which is an 85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline blend.

-After a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

-His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent.

-Obama created the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income working families in 2000 and successfully sponsored a measure to make the credit permanent in 2003. The law offered about $105 million in tax relief over three years.

-Obama joined forces with former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) to pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned gifts from lobbyists. Before the law was passed, one organization ranked Illinois worst among 50 states for its campaign finance regulations.

-As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama has fought to help Illinois veterans get the disability pay they were promised, while working to prepare the VA for the return of the thousands of veterans who will need care after Iraq and Afghanistan.

-He traveled to Russia with Republican Dick Lugar to begin a new generation of non-proliferation efforts designed to find and secure deadly weapons around the world.

-Obama has been a leading advocate for protecting the right to vote, helping to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act and leading the opposition against discriminatory barriers to voting.

- In the U.S. Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis began.

-Obama sponsored legislation to combat predatory payday loans, and he also was credited with lobbied the state to more closely regulate some of the most egregious predatory lending practices.

-Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.

-Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. His accomplishments include creating a task force on cervical cancer, providing greater access to breast and cervical cancer screenings, and helping improve prenatal and premature birth services.

-Obama has introduced and helped pass bipartisan legislation to limit the abuse of no-bid federal contracts.

-Obama and Senator Feingold (D-WI) took on both parties and proposed ethics legislation that was described as the "gold standard" for reform. It was because of their leadership that ending subsidized corporate jet travel, mandating disclosure of lobbyists' bundling of contributions, and enacting strong new restrictions of lobbyist-sponsored trips became part of the final ethics bill that was signed into law.

Comparing and contrasting McCain's and Obama's relative records, OpenCongress summarizes as follows: "As I began looking through the bills each candidate has sponsored this session (Obama’s, McCain’s), it was instantly that education policy marks a stark contrast in the candidates legislative records this session – while Barack Obama has proposed 11 bills directly related to education, John McCain has introduced zero."


Some have been quite effusive in their praise for Senator Obama. For example:

“As far as I’m concerned [Barack Obama] is a ‘Baruch,’ which means a blessing. He is a blessing to the United States Senate, to America, and to our shared hopes for better, safer tomorrows for all our families. The gifts that God has given to Barack Obama are as enormous as his future is unlimited. As his mentor, as his colleague, as his friend, I look forward to helping him reach to the stars and realize not just the dreams he has for himself, but the dreams we all have for him and our blessed country.”

You want to guess who said that? Joe Lieberman. In 2006.

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