Published on August 4, 2008 By Island Dog In Politics

Obama unveiled his new energy plan.  What word is most troubling in the following paragraph?

"Forcing big oil companies to take a reasonable share of their record breaking windfall
profits and use it to help struggling families with direct relief worth $500 for an individual and $1,000 for a married couple. "

In case you missed it, the word is force.  Obama wants to force an American business to give up their profits in order for Obama to write a check to voters.  This is amazing.


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on Aug 12, 2008
We're talking seventy years ago and $35 per week was not poverty nor eligible for welfare.

70years ago, there was no welfare. And poverty was when you did not have any food to eat, not the lack of 2 cars and 3 TVs.

Do you really think you can extract oil from the ground now for $3/barrel?

Democrats are just like Verucca Salt. And in the end, they will get the same thing - by their own hand.
on Aug 13, 2008
I look forward to being rich someday, being a Democrat or Liberal will not accomplish that for me.

One's politics is irrelevant to making money. And don't patronise me with the crap about those willing to come to the country of opportunity--that's axiomatic. I'm not belttling this nation, but it has room to improve. How about health care for all as a start.
on Aug 13, 2008
70years ago, there was no welfare.

Not welfare as today's pejorative; but certainly existed for legitimate widows with young children and there was unemployment ins. Anyway I mispoke I meant 60 years ago and in my twenties.
Do you really think you can extract oil from the ground now for $3/barrel?

What gave you that idea? Times change.
on Aug 13, 2008
How about health care for all as a start.

I have no problem with the idea of health care for all. What I have a problem with is government run health care. Every time I hear people talking about government run health care I just think about how well the government has done running our public education system. Similar problems with that system would crop up in a government run health care system.

Don't get me wrong I don't much care for the current health care system either, it needs some serious reforms, but the government running it isn't the answer.
on Aug 13, 2008
One's politics is irrelevant to making money.

Tell that to the Democrats who make rich people seem like monsters, kinda ironic considering some rich people are Democrats, hypocrisy at it's finest.

And don't patronise me with the crap about those willing to come to the country of opportunity--that's axiomatic. I'm not belttling this nation, but it has room to improve.

That's your problem, you seem to think no one wants to improve, everyone wants improvements, everyone knows todays politics are crap, the thing is you think it should be done your way and I think it should be done mine. I, at least am willing to compromise, that's a word not in the Democratic vocabulary.

How about health care for all as a start.

Hows about we start with fixing what we currently have before we add more problems to the ones we already have. Adding a universal healthcare system to our current state is like a couple with 4 kids working at $10 each only to get pregnant and bring 2 more kids to this world. Hello?
on Aug 13, 2008
What gave you that idea? Times change.

So do prices. 70 Years ago, a loaf of bread, a Gallon of Milk and a chicken would cost you less than $1. So are we to now go after teh price gouging farmers for their gouging us for the price of food?
on Aug 13, 2008
Similar problems with that system would crop up in a government run health care system.

There's no such thing as government run health care unless you mean those in the armed services. All the government does is pay the bills, such as in Medicare.
Gallon of Milk
A pail of milk would be more apropos to the time. As a kid I often went to the store and filled a pail from a large stainless steel container with a dipper chained to it.

on Aug 14, 2008
A pail of milk would be more apropos to the time. As a kid I often went to the store and filled a pail from a large stainless steel container with a dipper chained to it.

And you lived??????
on Aug 14, 2008
There's no such thing as government run health care unless you mean those in the armed services. All the government does is pay the bills, such as in Medicare.

Not true. Any hospital or doctor's office that accepts Medicare has to adjust their services based on what Medicare will "approve" for the patient. It is much like other insurance programs where certain services are deemed necessary and others are not. What used to be classified as a heart attack 20 years ago is now classified as a "heart episode" so that Medicare (or other insurances companies) can get out of paying for a hospital room overnight and the patient is sent home. If Government took over the healthcare industry completely then everyone would have the same crappy coverage.

And if everyone has the same coverage it is like the government will be running the hospitals by proxy because that Medicare or Medicaid will only cover certain procedures. You remove all of the choice from insurances. Government run Health Care is NOT the answer. I don't know what the answer is, but it certainly isn't government run healthcare.
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