Trillian Astra, the long awaited update to Trillian which is still in alpha testing has been updated to Build 83. Trillian Astra is still in private invite mode, and no word on when a public beta or final release is scheduled. I'm hoping to get some more info soon, but in the meantime I wanted to touch on the Build 83 update which is detailed ont he Cerulean Studios' blog.
Facebook support: Trillian Astra now includes some basic Facebook integration which includes status updates, news feeds, etc. Great start.
IRC: IRC is back! IRC was previously removed and due to community feedback they have enabled it again with new features.
Notifiers updated: Notifiers in Trillian Astra have been updated with a much cleaner look and functionality.
If you have access to the beta, what are your impressions of the newest build?
Thanks to ShelbyGT for the tip!