The latest update
Published on July 21, 2008 By Island Dog In Personal Computing

Trillian Astra, the long awaited update to Trillian which is still in alpha testing has been updated to Build 83.  Trillian Astra is still in private invite mode, and no word on when a public beta or final release is scheduled.  I'm hoping to get some more info soon, but in the meantime I wanted to touch on the Build 83 update which is detailed ont he Cerulean Studios' blog.

Facebook support:  Trillian Astra now includes some basic Facebook integration which includes status updates, news feeds, etc.  Great start.

IRC:  IRC is back!  IRC was previously removed and due to community feedback they have enabled it again with new features. 

Notifiers updated:  Notifiers in Trillian Astra have been updated with a much cleaner look and functionality.

If you have access to the beta, what are your impressions of the newest build? 

Thanks to ShelbyGT for the tip!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 22, 2008
Wow. I haven't used Trillian in ages. I really liked it when I did though. I'll have to check it out again when the new build comes out.

on Jul 22, 2008
As much as I used to love and use Trillian, Ive always come back to MSN (Windows Live) because of lousy MSN xfer protocol and lack of custom emotes. If you can do without that its a nifty lil app.
on Jul 22, 2008
If you can do without that its a nifty lil app

Maybe they'll fix that up.
on Jul 23, 2008
Maybe they'll fix that up.

Doubtful, haven't in eons.
on Jul 23, 2008
Trillian was a good program for me back in the day. But now i find myself sticking to msn plus and a-patch for wlm. w00t!!
on Jul 23, 2008
I like to have my IRC, AIM, MSN all lumped together.  I'll stick with it and see what happens.
on Jul 23, 2008
I've been using Trillian for ages. Don't use its IRC client, but it's quite convenient to have one proggy for all your messengers, since I have contacts on AIM and MSN
on Jul 23, 2008
i still use Trillian! but since i only used AIM and YIM, i'm not missing out on MSN. i still have vanilla YIM for random things like photo sharing sessions, but for day-to-day use, it's trillian for me. i can't wait to see the new version in its final form!
on Jul 24, 2008
I've been using Trillian Pro daily for years, and love it! I used to have problems with file xfers but that was fixed at some point. I got "invited" for the beta testing but decided to just wait it out. I'm looking forward to the final release, whenever that might be.   
on Jul 24, 2008
I used Trillian on my PC until I started using Adium for OS X, Digsby is starting to look better for Windows though
on Jul 26, 2008

I used to use Trillian but got away from it because I wasn't interested in paying for the best features.  Also I found I couldn't interact the way I wanted with people on MSN and Yahoo.  So no real need for the all in one solution.  They also take far too long updating it.

on Jul 26, 2008
Someone needs to come up with a good way to skin MSN.... Stardock   
on Jul 26, 2008
Hey its only been in the "Alpha" stage for over a year now, who knows maybe in a year we might see a beta, or maybe an RC in two years!!
on Jul 28, 2008
I've been a Trill user since before they went commercial with Pro 1.0 back in '02. Currently alpha-testing Astra, and loving it. Even though it's not even in Beta stages, sometimes I feel that it's more stable than other commercial products installed on my laptop.
on Jul 28, 2008
I used Trillian for a long time but eventually lost my love for it for not having skinning on the fly. If Astra suppports this, then it would perk my intrest back to using it.
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