Well Friday is almost here, and even right now there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people lined up around the world toiphone3g get their hands on the new iPhone 3G.  Last year I didn't stand in line, but I did go on launch day and picked up an iPhone.  I have been very happy with it and you can ready my two-part review here.

So am I upgrading my iPhone to the new 3G iPhone.....no.  However, I will be in line early in the morning to buy my wife one for her birthday.  I have a couple of reasons I'm not upgrading my current phone to the 3G.

  1. 3G means very little to me.  About 90% of the time I use wi-fi for my data connection, and rarely use EDGE for that purpose.  The times I do are short and far between, and 3G isn't that great anyway's. 

  2. I don't have much need for GPS either.  I work out of my home office, I live in a small town, and I rarely travel.  Yeah, GPS is cool, but it doesn't justify the upgrade cost at all.  The Locate Me feature is good enough, and hey, my wife will have it just in case I do need it.

  3. I'm getting the cool stuff anyway's!  The iPhone 3G hardware is nice, but it's the 2.0 software update that is the real star this time.  The best part is I get the 2.0 update as well, so I'm not missing much aside from GPS and 3G.

With the 2.0 update which brings a host of new features, also comes the App Store on iTunes.  The only big gripe I had with the current iPhone was the lack of native applications, games, etc.  That’s all going to change now.  The 2.0 update also solves some big issues like the ability to delete multiple e-mails, dedicated contact application, and a few other things.  This will only be enhanced by the tons of applications that are being developed for the iPhone. 

We will also have the ability to have real games on the iPhone.  Two of the most highlighted games so far has been Spore and Super Monkey Ball, which makes use of the iPhone’s accelerometer for an almost Wii-like game play.  We touched a bit on this recently in the SkinCast, and I think we will get some games and give them a review to see how they stack up.  

So how about you?  Are you planning on upgrading, or are you tempted to make a first time purchase of the iPhone this week?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 15, 2008
No, plans on getting a iPhone at this time ...

I have Verizon Wireless ... An it works fine ..
The iPhone looks like a good tech toy ... but
the overall cost to run it is too high ..
on Jul 15, 2008
I haven't even "upgraded" to a cell phone yet.

Me either... never had a need for one and I'd rather spend that kind of cash on my bettering my PC. Besides, the trusty old landline is all I need... and IF I ever need to call a mobile, I can do that via my home phone, too.

I have no need for one.
on Jul 15, 2008
I will not upgrade, I'll continue with my normal iPhone and only update the firmware to 2.0.
on Jul 16, 2008
With gas prices the way they are I wonder how anyone can afford the iphone...
on Jul 16, 2008
With gas prices the way they are I wonder how anyone can afford the iphone...

Because people manage their money better than others I suppose. 
on Jul 21, 2008
I must say that i got the 3g, & it's amazing, it's like nothing ever before, i do admit it has to many problems, they should have waited a bit b4 launching it, but still it's a step ahead of the field.

Mine had a few problems this is just one of them + the solution to it -
WWW Link

I love Apple products!!!!


on Jul 21, 2008
I have Verizon Wireless and a cheap phone, with a plan that costs me almost $45 per month. I just use it for voice only and no voice mail. I use it to regularly chat with a friend in Hinkley, Ohio. Other than that, it is for communicating with Dial a Ride for my transportation to and from my doctors appointments. I am at home most of the time, so not much use for a cell phone.

An iPhone would be a total waste of money for me.
on Jul 21, 2008
Iphone fanboys and non apple fanboys waging war over a silly discussion lol. Get it if ya can afford it and want it. There is no denying its a beautiful piece of design.
I myself wouldnt want to hand over money to the apple corporation though, but thats just my choice which might be different from yours


PC > Mac
on Jul 21, 2008

I have Verizon Wireless and a cheap phone, with a plan that costs me almost $45 per month. I just use it for voice only and no voice mail. I use it to regularly chat with a friend in Hinkley, Ohio. Other than that, it is for communicating with Dial a Ride for my transportation to and from my doctors appointments. I am at home most of the time, so not much use for a cell phone.

An iPhone would be a total waste of money for me.

My iPhone plan costs 45 euros a month.

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