Skin Roundup for 7-27-07
Published on July 27, 2007 By Island Dog In Community

I can't believe its almost August.  Where is the time going these days?  Well anyways, it's Friday, so you know what today is, right?  Yes, it's time for the ever popular "This Week in Skinning" where I features some of the most popular skins from our great community.

It looks like this week is a bit slower than others in recent weeks, but I know several skinners to have some really cool stuff in the works.  The SkinStudio 6 beta should be arriving soon, and I think we will see some great activity come out of that.

Now for the picks!


Sport Strip for DesktopX
By RomanDA

This Master Skin from RomanDa should definitely appeal to the sports fans.  This gadget shows the live scores from various sports games, updated every few minutes.  Check this one out.


Earth To Saturn in Dreams
By AzDude

AzDude has shared another .dream with us, this time it's a space journey from Earth to Saturn.  Great work.


Pale Moonlight for RightClick
By buzzh58

Last week I featured another one of buzzh58's RightClick skins, and he comes through again this week with another great submission. 


Skinner´s World RSS Reader in Screensavers
By Jimbo9294

Want to keep up with the latest news from the skinning community?  This screensaver will give you the latest RSS feeds from the various skinning communities.  Nice work.


Metal Vista 3.0 in WindowBlinds
By lypnjtu

This is a very clean skin with a slick metal look to it.  Be sure to download this one.


Rusty for Xion
By I.R. Brainiac

We have been checking this out in the "what are you working on thread", and this very cool Xion skin is here.  Great work.

Great works from all the skinners this week, and be sure to leave a comment on their skins and check out their other works.  See you next week!


on Jul 27, 2007
Ha, more great picks. Brainiac with 2 weeks in a row. Sweeeeeet!
on Jul 27, 2007
nice selection
Thanks ID
on Jul 27, 2007
Nice selection ID!
Special congrat my two friend AZ and IR Brainiac
Congrat all feaured artist too
on Jul 27, 2007
Very creative picks! Great job eveyone, and thanks ID for this weekly.
on Jul 27, 2007
Kudos to all this week

and to buzzh58 my partner in crime
(Pale Moonlight will have more skins to follow based on buzz's design)
on Jul 27, 2007
'Rusty' sends his thanks ID.  
on Jul 27, 2007
Thanks " Island Dog " for the props

and Congrats to the other Artists shown here ..
on Jul 28, 2007
Thanks for picking my screen saver.
Thanks for another great article.
Thanks Island Dog.
Thank You, everyone.  
on Jul 28, 2007
Thanks bud.. hope people like it.. there is a demo out there to to play with.