ObjectDock is pretty flexible, and there are more ways to use ObjectDock than just having it sit at the top or bottom of your screen. One of the big advantages of having ObjectDock is the ability to have multiple docks on your desktop along with the ability to have tabbed docks. With ObjectDock you can also "mix" docks, and by that I mean you can have a tabbed dock and a "zoomer" dock on the same desktop which allows for even more flexible setups.
I use ObjectDock on my desktop in a variety of ways, and I wanted to share 3 of my favorite ways to use ObjectDock.
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1) Having a docklet dock
I'm sure everyone knows what a docklet is, but for those who might not know, docklets are mini-applications that reside on your dock. There are a variety of docklets available, including docklets for weather, clocks, web searches and more.
One of my favorite ways to configure ObjectDock is to have one dock solely dedicated to nothing but docklets. I usually place this dock on the right or left side of the screen, and depending on what's going on in the rest of my desktop, I might set it to auto-hide. I will place all my favorite and most useful docklets in this dock, and leave my other docks for application shortcuts only.
2) Docks as drawers
Another cool feature of ObjectDock is the ability to set your tabbed docks as drawers. There are a variety of ways to configure your tabbed docks, but you can place several single tab docks on your desktop and have them extend out when hovered over them. It breaks away from the standard dock layout a bit, but still has the great functionality that we are all used to.
3) Go for minimalism
Sometimes I like to go real minimal with my desktop, and ObjectDock makes this possible and even better than other methods. For my ultimate minimalist desktop, I remove everything from the desktop except for ObjectDock, and if you don't want to see the dock you can set it to auto-hide.
The new start menu docklet gives me access to the Windows start menu, and I can choose to see any programs I have minimized in the taskbar. Pretty much everything I need access to I can do through ObjectDock, and it even has an option to hide the Windows taskbar.
I have listed my favorite ways I use ObjectDock, and I'd like to hear how you use it as well. Have you used any of these configuration I mentioned, or do you have a setup even better?
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