July '07 edition of featured animated wallpapers
Published on August 1, 2007 By Island Dog In Animated Wallpapers

I can't believe summer is just flying by.  I almost forgot August was approaching, and that it's time for this months edition of "This Month in Dreams".  This monthly feature highlights some of the best .dreams that were submitted to WinCustomize during the past month.

How many of you are currently working on Dreams you plan to release soon?  Just as any other works in progress go, feel free to post your works in the "what are you working on thread" on the forums if you would to give members a sneak peek of what you are working on.

Now for this months .dreams video!



The .dreams features in this months video can be downloaded from the links below.  To use .dreams you will need Vista Ultimate, DreamScene, and Stardock DeskScapes to be installed.  You can find more information at Dream.WinCustomize.Com.

Reflect (Blue) by JuiceDaddy
Earth To Saturn by AzDude
Super Mario Bros 3 by goyney
Caustic Motion by JuiceDaddy
Electric Vista - Yellow by AzDude
Poubel Sunset by brenopoubel


on Aug 01, 2007
Those are some awesome dreams.
on Aug 01, 2007
Wow, these are nice! If it weren't for you,ID,I wouldn't have ANY good .dreams on my 'puter. Thanks for your efforts and keep 'em coming!   
on Aug 01, 2007
O holy cow! Thats AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Aug 02, 2007
Thanks for the props , ID , another Great month for Dreams ......
on Aug 02, 2007
You know, I always thought that the animated wallpaper is a dumb idea. But I just came up with something that would make it good.

I know that I personally never see my wallpaper, and if I do, it's only a little bit of wallpaper on the edges of the screen.

If you could make the "engine" recognize when the computer is idle, and begin to move the items in the wall paper "above" the windows on your screen, now THAT would be cool.....a screen saver that is part of your desktop!
on Aug 02, 2007
i think i see what you are saying. instead of having a separate screen saver and dream, integrate them so that the dream becomes the desktop. that is a very good idea
on Aug 02, 2007
Yea, so imagine if your background is a series of "bolts of electricity", like the orange one in the video. As your computer becomes idle, the bolts begin to meld with the windows on the screen....or on top of them...or between them.

I thought about doing something like this with DesktopX a WHILE back, and now this rekindles that thought....however I can't help but think that vbScript would be completely inefficient, CPU-wise, for such a thing.

It's also difficult, with scripting, to properly work with objects on the screen and their dimensions. However, short of using lower-level code, I can't think of a way to do that. You *could* come up with a bunch of pre-defined objects/actions, ie..."for each window perform action X, across dimension Y, every Z seconds", however people would hunger for more flexibility.
on Aug 04, 2007
Superb work,very nice!
I wish someone would write a program to make dreams work on XP. Too many quirks in vista for me to switch over to that yet.
on Aug 12, 2007
I agree. It would be great to have something like animated wallpapers on XP. I would have to buy another computer to run Vista. I am sure there are others as well. Mayber it could be an option in the future?  
on Sep 05, 2007
Hi DarkStar, as you are probably aware I am Blind although at certain times of the day I have about 8 inches of useful vision, this means I canjust about manage to light a ciggarette without burning myself-lol. I as most of you know teach children (on a volunteer basis) to use computers, mainly Microsoft office, would it be possible for anyone to build a set - Bootskin, animated wallpaper and screensaver with a guide dog/seeing eye dog type theme. Would it also be possible to have them sent to my personal email address BobStoker2@aol.com so that I may save them.
Thank you so much
Bob Stoker (gustheguidedog)